Precious Pups USA

Teddy Maltipoo Puppy πŸ’™


Meet Teddy πŸ’™ Maltipoo Puppy

Teddy is 6 weeks old, weighing 1.8 lbs and growing. He was born on November 29th and will be ready for his forever home between January 31st - February 3rd. Β Teddy has a sweet, playful temperament and a soft wavy chestnut tuxedo coat. His estimated adult weight is 4-8 lbs. His mother, Bella, is a 5 lb Maltese, and his father is an 7 lb Toy Poodle. Both parents have undergone genetic health testing, ensuring healthy bloodlines.

Our puppies begin crate and potty training at 5 weeks old to ease their transition into new homes. They come with their first vaccinations, are dewormed starting at two weeks, microchipped, and are covered by a two-year health guarantee.

We offer both local pickup and delivery services for your convenience. If you'd like to meet Cider or our other pups, home visits and FaceTime calls are available!