Miracle Aussiepoo Puppy ๐ SOLD
Meet Miracle ๐ย Aussiepoo Puppy
Miracle is 2 months ย and 3.5 lbs. She is a happy girl who is playful and affectionate with a white and grey coat. ย Miracle was born September 20th and is ready for her forever home today! These pups are cute fluffy teddy bears and gentle natured. Estimated adult weight 10 - 15 lbs. ย The mother is a 10 lbs Poodle, and the father isย a 12 lbs Miniature Australian Shepherd.
All our puppies start preparatory crate and potty training at 6 weeks. They come with a complete health record, Veterinarian examination, up to date on vaccinations, microchipped , and one year genetics health guarantee.ย ย We offer local pickup or puppy delivery service!
Home visits and FaceTime calls available to meet our pups!