Hope Cavapoo Puppy ๐ SOLD
Meet Hope ๐ Cavapooย Puppy
Hope was born January 16th and will be ready to go home March 18th. ย These little babies are 2 months ย and weigh 2.5 lb - 5.1 lb. ย Hope has a beautiful red coat with white markings in her chin and chest. Expected adult weight is 14 - 18 lbs full grown. Mom is a 12 lb Black Merle Mini Poodle and Dad is a 16 lb Blenheim Cavalier, King Charles Spaniel.ย These pups are cute, playful and gentle natured. Cavapoos are a great choice for first time dog owners. ย
Accepting reservations. ย A $500 non-refundable deposit will reserve your puppy today. This will be our last cavapoo litters till June/July
All our puppies start preparatory crate and potty training at 6 weeks. They come with a complete health record, Veterinarian examination, up to date on vaccinations, microchipped , and one year genetics health guarantee.ย ย We offer local pickup or puppy delivery service!
Home visits and FaceTime calls available to meet our pups!